Landscaping with rocks has become a great alternative to traditional style landscaping, and while using decorative rocks to accent existing shrubs, plants, and flowers is fairly common, few think it is acceptable to simply use rocks and nothing else.
Category Archives: Stone
If you have been looking high and low for the most believable stone veneer available to add a touch of sophistication and elegance to the exterior of your home, to liven up a patio, or add luxury to an existing space, then Eldorado Stone veneer is what we as a trusted stone supplier recommend.
If you are interested in adding an elegant and brilliant accessory to your property that also serves a greater purpose, than perhaps its time you consider erecting a stone wall.
Thin stone veneer can be seen as part of the Roman Coliseum, the Segovia aqueduct in Spain, and many buildings in the Roman Empire. That stone veneer has changed much and has become a common feature of many landscapes. Additionally, it has become thinner, thus the name “thin stone veneer.” If you have been in New England, many of the homes use thin stone veneer.
Landscaping with crushed stone isn’t as drab as it sounds. In fact, crushed stone is an incredibly versatile material that can be used from anything to water run off, to decoration, to filler between (and under) pavers. It is durable, tactile, and is perfect for ground cover, or in walkways where controlling weeds is an issue.
Concrete may seem strong, but after many years, elements, and pressure, it will eventually crack. So in order to make your concrete last as long as your money that went into it, adding a layer of crushed stone under a slab of concrete will increase the life of your investment.
Decorative stone can be the ideal addition to help pull your landscaping together on your property. Used as a way to curb weed growth and help polish off the appearance of your yard, it’s helpful for you to look into your choices for decorative stone for landscaping. From considering the different types of stones and their appearances to the durability that you can expect with various types, you should be able to make a wise investment that boosts the curb appeal and value of your home.
Most experts agree, thin stone veneer has many advantages to regular stone veneer. It is more economical in price, is lighter in overall weight, and is simpler to install. So if this were true, wouldn’t it have already replaced regular stone veneer in all applications? Not always.
Most people are content letting their driveway remain the dull, gray crushed gravel or concrete it started as. Which is fine, there is nothing wrong with the simple stone aggregates long associated with driveways, they get the job done, but just aren’t aesthetically very pleasing.
We know it’s cold outside, but really what better time is there to get you in the mood for spring than thinking about warm weather and setting up an outdoor fireplace during this cold Maryland winter.