Using decorative landscaping rocks in your garden is a perfect solution for those who want to set a tone without worrying about upkeep. Landscaping rocks are both beneficial to the overall look and feel of your garden, as well as providing a structural and tactile ambiance that regular means of yard decoration is sorely lacking.
Looking to spice up your lawn, garden, or landscape? Here are three wonderful decorative rocks to consider adding to your backyard.
Decomposed Granite
Decomposed granite is deceptive in that, from a distance, it doesn’t have the look and feel one usually associates with rock. Because of its color (tan to red), and its size, it’s not until you get up close that you realize this beautiful color emanating from your garden is rock. It can be used in place or gravel, and is available by the bag.
Pea Gravel
Pea gravel is incredibly versatile because of its size and its ability to perform a job, like water dispersement. About the size of green pea, pea gravel is best used in pathways and walkways, or as a means to stop weeds from poking through in areas where weeding is a problem. It comes in a huge variety of colors and can be purchased by the bag.
River Rocks
For a perfect solution to lining a garden bed, consider using river rocks. As their name implies, river rocks are flat and smooth, which means they are easily stackable. Defy traditional means of adding borders and stack river rocks around gardens to keep dirt and water where it belongs. Or use them as a way to strike contrast between shrubs or existing colors. River rocks are sold by the pound.
No matter what landscaping rock you choose, we’ve got you covered.