While the possibilities for landscaping on properties are quite substantial, there are ideal choices that can be made based on the needs of a homeowner and specifics of a property’s location. For instance, high rates of annual rainfall can have an enormous impact on the decisions that a homeowner should make regarding their landscape and how it should be landscaped for the greatest outcome. Investing time into learning about the benefits of decorative stone for landscaping against mulch is worthwhile.
Less Maintenance Is Required
With so much that a home requires in terms of maintenance, being able to get landscaping that does not require routine and consistent maintenance afterwards can be quite nice. In this case, decorative stones can provide this exact outcome, and this is because these stones do not need to be reapplied to the landscape of a property, except for rare cases. Although weed growth is inevitable, you will get less weed growth with decorative stone, which makes it better for maintenance.
Fungal Growth Will Not Be an Issue
Mulch can look attractive and serve various benefits, but one of its disadvantages is the fact that fungal growth is simply going to happen when you decide on mulch. It is a food source for fungus, but decorative stones do not provide fungus with the right properties to grow, which means you will not have to deal with this as an issue or in regard to maintenance.
Looks Better for a Longer Time
Decorative stones are hard to move around. Mulch, on the other hand, can get pushed around in heavy winds, rainstorms, or floods, which can it hard to keep mulch on your property for a long time. With this in mind, you will find decorative stones as an amazing choice for those looking at longevity as a major priority in their mission to have the greatest landscape bed possible.